

Καταχωρήθηκε: Τετάρτη 08 Μαρ 2023


NCCN recommends cancer patient participation in clinical trials as the gold standard for treatment.

Cancer therapy selection, dosing, administration, and the management of related adverse events can be a complex process that should be handled by an experienced healthcare team. Clinicians must choose and verify treatment options based on the individual patient; drug dose modifications and supportive care interventions should be administered accordingly. The cancer treatment regimens below may include both U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved and unapproved indications/regimens. These regimens are only provided to supplement the latest treatment strategies.

These Guidelines are a work in progress that may be refined as often as new significant data becomes available. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines® are a consensus statement of its authors regarding their views of currently accepted approaches to treatment. Any clinician seeking to apply or consult any NCCN Guidelines® is expected to use independent medical judgment in the context of individual clinical circumstances to determine any patient’s care or treatment. The NCCN makes no warranties of any kind whatsoever regarding their content, use, or application and disclaims any responsibility for their application or use in any way.



Τηλέφωνα Επικοινωνίας:


Γραμματεία MMMO: 2613 603506 (ασθενείς), 2613 604062 (Γραμματεία Διευθυντή) 
Fax : 2613 604066,
email (για ιατρούς): transplant@upatras.gr,
email (για ασθενείς): mmak@upatras.gr
email (για θέματα κλινικών μελετών) : gcppatras@gmail.com
Μονάδα Μεταμόσχευσης (Νοσηλεία): 2613 603 261
Γραφείο Ιατρών: 2613 604064, 2613 604065,
Εφημερεύων Ιατρός: 2610 999111 (τηλ. κέντρο ΠΓΝΠ)


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