

Καταχωρήθηκε: Σάββατο 28 Ιαν 2017

Keypoints that discussed: prevalance at out Hospital, sources of infection, prophylactic measures.  Risk-adapted strategy according to identifying those patients at higher risk for MDR GNB infectiona dn previous history of colonization. The value of surveillance studies. How to approach MDR GNB infections in neutropenic patients?

We adapted following policy:

As per our policy, we evaluate previous micorbiological history for all patients entering the BMT Unit and documet it in the "BMT report" letter. We perform VRE and MRSA screening.

Patients with previous bloodstream infection due to MDR GNB or known to be colonized by MDR GNB should receive an empiric antibiotic regimen with in vitro activity against the MDR Gram-negative pathogen.

The antibiotic regimen should be changed to a standard empiric regimen within 48–72 h if the patient is stable and blood cultures are negative for MDR GNB.

Other important keypoints

Antibiotic resistance in neutropenic patients may develop either by horizontal transmission of resistant bacteria or most typically by selective pressure exerted by broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents given as prophylaxis or therapy.

The majority of Gram-negative bacterial infections are caused by Enterobacteriaceae (especially E. coli and Klebsiella spp.) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Patients more likely to develop MDR Gram-negative BSI are those expected to have profound and prolonged neutropenia, especially if they are in ICU and are submitted to multiple invasive procedures.

Surveillance cultures may be of help for their negative predictive value and are more likely to be cost-effective in centers with higher incidences of Gram-negative BSI.

Preventive strategies include hand hygiene, active screening, contact precautions, geographic and personnel cohorting and the judicioususe of antibiotics by the implementation of stewardship programs.

What is the probability of recurrence
of a MDR Gram-negative BSI?What is the probability of recurrenceof a MDR Gram-negative BSI?


Lecturer: Prof. Marangos

Participants: all medical staff

Σχετικά Αρχεία


Τηλέφωνα Επικοινωνίας:


Γραμματεία MMMO: 2613 603506 (ασθενείς), 2613 604062 (Γραμματεία Διευθυντή) 
Fax : 2613 604066,
email (για ιατρούς): transplant@upatras.gr,
email (για ασθενείς): mmak@upatras.gr
email (για θέματα κλινικών μελετών) : gcppatras@gmail.com
Μονάδα Μεταμόσχευσης (Νοσηλεία): 2613 603 261
Γραφείο Ιατρών: 2613 604064, 2613 604065,
Εφημερεύων Ιατρός: 2610 999111 (τηλ. κέντρο ΠΓΝΠ)


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Τηλέφωνα Επικοινωνίας:


Γραμματεία MMMO: 2613 603506 (ασθενείς), 2613 604062 (Γραμματεία Διευθυντή) 
Fax : 2613 604066,
email (για ιατρούς): transplant@upatras.gr,
email (για ασθενείς): mmak@upatras.gr
email (για θέματα κλινικών μελετών) : gcppatras@gmail.com
Μονάδα Μεταμόσχευσης (Νοσηλεία): 2613 603 261
Γραφείο Ιατρών: 2613 604064, 2613 604065,
Εφημερεύων Ιατρός: 2610 999111 (τηλ. κέντρο ΠΓΝΠ)


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