

Καταχωρήθηκε: Τρίτη 29 Νοε 2022

Presenter: Prof. Spyridonidis
Participants: Dr Liga, Dr Tsokanas, Dr Valera
Duration: 35 mins

With the introduction of large-scale molecular profiling methods and high-throughput sequencing technologies, the genomic features of most lymphoid neoplasms have been characterized at an unprecedented scale. Although the principles for the classification and diagnosis of these disorders, founded on a multidimensional definition of disease entities, have been consolidated over the past 25 years, novel genomic data have markedly enhanced our understanding of lymphomagenesis and enriched the description of disease entities at the molecular level. Yet, the current diagnosis of lymphoid tumors is largely based on morphological assessment and immunophenotyping, with only few entities being defined by genomic criteria. This paper, which accompanies the International Consensus Classification of mature lymphoid neoplasms, will address how
established assays and newly developed technologies for molecular testing already complement clinical diagnoses and provide a novel lens on disease classification. More specifically, their contributions to diagnosis refinement, risk stratification, and therapy prediction will be considered for the main categories of lymphoid neoplasms. The potential of whole-genome sequencing, circulating tumor DNA analyses, single-cell analyses, and epigenetic profiling will be discussed because these will likely become important future tools for implementing precision medicine approaches in clinical decision making for patients with lymphoid malignancies.


Τηλέφωνα Επικοινωνίας:


Γραμματεία MMMO: 2613 603506 (ασθενείς), 2613 604062 (Γραμματεία Διευθυντή) 
Fax : 2613 604066,
email (για ιατρούς): transplant@upatras.gr,
email (για ασθενείς): mmak@upatras.gr
email (για θέματα κλινικών μελετών) : gcppatras@gmail.com
Μονάδα Μεταμόσχευσης (Νοσηλεία): 2613 603 261
Γραφείο Ιατρών: 2613 604064, 2613 604065,
Εφημερεύων Ιατρός: 2610 999111 (τηλ. κέντρο ΠΓΝΠ)


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